Dbus doesn't answer on Hello, manual connection

Havoc Pennington hp at redhat.com
Sun Mar 4 08:18:14 PST 2007

Kristoffer Lundén wrote:
> First, since the spec doesn't really spell it out, am I correct in the
> assumption that after sending a message (method call, like Hello), I
> should be getting an answer back over the socket?

Yes, you should get an answer or disconnected, unless you set the 
NO_REPLY_EXPECTED flag or you have not yet sent the full message.

I can't tell you what's wrong just from looking at the binary protocol 
dump, unfortunately ;-)

I would suggest building dbus from source, which will give you a lot of 
tools to debug this. You'll be able to run the daemon with verbose 
output (I added instructions for this to the dbus-daemon man page iirc, 
though it's not on the web site version of the man page yet, it's in 
CVS). You'll also be able to print out the socket traffic and see what 
libdbus does, for ease of copying it, or insert additional debug 
statements of whatever kind. And you'll be able to look through the 
source and understand what libdbus is generating that way.

Another idea is to turn on the tcp listen address in your test daemon's 
.conf file, then use a tool to dump the tcp traffic in order to see what 
e.g. dbus-monitor sends when it connects to the bus.


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