Issues while using DBUS over TCP

Schmottlach, Glenn GSchmott at
Wed Aug 6 09:09:25 PDT 2008

Sure . . . sounds like a good idea. I hope others will contribute their
experiences as well. I've seen that the LiMO distro (targeting the
embedded cell phone market) uses DBUS as the foundation for their IPC
mechanism and they've also (apparently) added a simpler event service on
top of DBUS. So, obviously, people are using DBUS in the embedded space
. . . I'm just not sure how many are using TCP to communicate (via DBUS)
to their target platforms.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Jonas [mailto:jonas at MIT.EDU] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 12:05 PM
To: Schmottlach, Glenn
Cc: Simon McVittie; dbus at
Subject: RE: Issues while using DBUS over TCP

> With that said, I wish there was a HOWTO or Wiki somewhere that
> addresses the use of DBUS over TCP. DBUS is potentially a very
> framework with characteristics that could make it very useful in a
> controlled embedded environment (especially for test and verification
> services hosted on the target platform). I've seen plenty of posts of

I just created a wiki page on the freedesktop wiki:

There's of course nothing there but some placeholder text, but Glenn,
with your permission, we could put the text of your e-mail (and Simon's
suggestions) there as a start?  It was remarkably easy to create the
account on the freedesktop wiki, I encourage people to give it a try. 
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