dbus-python and dbus properties

Curtis Maloney cmaloney at cardgate.net
Tue Jun 24 16:25:01 PDT 2008

Eric Jonas wrote:
> I looked through the source code and the docs, and I couldn't find a way
> to implement properties. In particular, though I can implement (by hand)
> the various bits of the Properties interface, introspection is still a
> problem. There doesn't appear to be an easy or centralized way of
> modifying the XML generated by introspection such that the existence of
> the properties can be advertised. 
> I'm guessing this is either because 1. it's actually hard and subtle to
> get this right from python or 2. it's easy but people are busy. If it's
> the latter (or maybe even the former), would you guys accept a patch
> adding reasonable property management? 

Or 3 - it's not up to the bindings to dictate how you implement properties.

Curtis Maloney
cmaloney at cardgate.net

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