Accessing Session Bus through the superuser

Avery Pennarun apenwarr at
Mon Mar 17 14:55:02 PDT 2008

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Havoc Pennington <hp at> wrote:
>  In any case, allowing root to always connect is hardly difficult to
>  change in dbus-daemon, so I don't know what this conversation is
>  about. If we want uid 0 to always be allowed the patch is 1 line or
>  something.

I'm sure it's easy.  The discussion is about whether it's desirable or
not.  So far I don't know that anyone is in favour of changing it
except me :)

I appreciate your explanation of the decisions that led to the
randomly-named abstract sockets.  It still seems a bit out of place,
since I'm not aware of any other daemons doing it that way.  The X
server is also essentially a per-user listener, and it uses a
non-randomly named socket in /tmp.  (On the other hand, it starts as
root so it can overwrite other users' messes.)

What do people do if they run Gnome on Solaris or FreeBSD?  Why would
we want that to be different from Linux?  Isn't it *more* work
maintaining two different solutions?



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