Accessing Session Bus through the superuser

Havoc Pennington hp at
Mon Mar 17 15:00:46 PDT 2008


On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Avery Pennarun <apenwarr at> wrote:
>  I'm sure it's easy.  The discussion is about whether it's desirable or
>  not.  So far I don't know that anyone is in favour of changing it
>  except me :)

I don't know the answer there (I would have to look into whether it
creates any security problems, etc., I don't remember enough)

> (On the other hand, it starts as
>  root so it can overwrite other users' messes.)

Exactly - the X server is effectively a system daemon.

>  What do people do if they run Gnome on Solaris or FreeBSD?  Why would
>  we want that to be different from Linux?  Isn't it *more* work
>  maintaining two different solutions?

On Solaris/FreeBSD you just get a bunch of leftover sockets in /tmp,
and we "helpfully" ship the dbus-cleanup-sockets binary which you can
put in a cron job to mop them up.

I think that sucks enough, though, that it's worth maintaining the
abstract sockets flavor on platforms that support it.


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