Message Validation

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk qrczak at
Thu Oct 9 10:14:01 PDT 2008

2008/10/7 Jon Gosting <yukarionsen at>:

> I noticed that sending a message that
> contains an array of bytes takes approximately 3 - 4 times as long as
> sending a message with the same payload declared as an array of integers
> with 1/4 the number of elements (i.e. the number of bytes transferred is the
> same, only the type declaration differs).  Upon investigating I noticed that
> some of the extra overhead is caused by message validation.

Instead of bypassing validation, wouldn't it be better to make
validation of byte arrays faster? I guess there is a room for
improvement by special-casing them: certainly there is no need to
iterate over bytes if they are already stored in a C array.

Marcin Kowalczyk
qrczak at

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