Interoperability between DBus implementations on Windows

Tor Lillqvist tml at
Mon Oct 26 01:17:42 PDT 2009

>> DBusSharp implements an altogether different
>> transport mechanism based on Windows named pipes [...] So should this named pipe transport then also
>> be added to the dbus4win (and/or upstream) implementations?

> I doubt it. See my reply on the subject dated April 21 (Message-Id:
> <200904211833.35416.thiago at>)

Yep, I remember that message. I wonder how well the "win" transport in
DBusSharp actually works then? They don't seem to use it in their
daemon implementation, Daemon.cs says: string addr =
"tcp:host=localhost,port=12345";  and as far as I can see doesn't
offer a way to change that. (Those parts have been commented out.) So
probably the "win" (named pipe) transport in DBusSharp is/was just an
experiment that didn't succeed that well? Anybody from DBusSharp here?


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