Passing caller context info in remote method calls

Paddy Carman paddy.carman at
Thu Feb 25 10:26:52 PST 2010

Hi All,
    I'm just ramping-up on dbus, python.  I would like to know if it is
possible to pass caller context information as argument to a remote method.
For example, assume there is a service that provides a method MyService1().
I would like different callers of this method to be able to pass some
"calling context" information. The context information can be any thing -
integer, object etc. The service is expected to return the context
information as is in its asynchronous reply.

In a C analogy, I'm thinking of MyService1() having a "void *" for this
caller context argument.

Can I do something equivalent with dbus-python remote calls? If not, can you
suggest a solution?

Thanks in advance!
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