libdbus - simple mainloop?

Thomas Themel thomas at
Tue Jun 22 08:47:45 PDT 2010

Hi Havoc,
Excerpts from Havoc Pennington's message of Wed Jun 16 21:43:42 +0200 2010:
> somewhat shockingly I know, this limitation is documented in
> read_write_dispatch docs:

I am appropriately shocked, as I thought I had read the documentation enough
before nagging the mailing list.

I've changed my mainloop to use libev and the various watch callbacks, and even
though that's a fair bit more complicated than a simple loop calling
read_write_dispatch, it seems to do exactly what I want it to do.

[*Thomas  Themel*] "It's like watching somebody build a building downtown
[extended contact] - anywhere - they always dig down to bedrock and then go up.
[info provided in] If you don't do that first, it's just going to fall over."
[*message header*]    - James Gosling on security design

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