Announcement: dbus-dump

Martin Vidner mvidner at
Tue Nov 16 05:34:58 PST 2010

[dbus-dump][0] is a tool to capture [D-Bus][1] messages
in a [libpcap capture file][2].


It takes an idea from [dbus-scrape][3], which processes a strace output of
dbus-monitor, and takes it further by stracing dbus-daemon, thus not
relying on any eavesdropping (mis)configuration.


The intended purpose is to establish the libpcap capture format as a
base for debugging tools like

- dbus-monitor
- [DBusMessageBox](
- [Bustle](
- [dbus-spy](

Thanks to Will Thompson for mentioning the pcap idea.


    $ sudo strace -p `pgrep -f 'dbus-daemon --system'` \
        -s 3000 -ttt -xx -o foo.strace
    $ ./dbus-dump foo.strace foo.pcap
    $ ./dbus-pcap-parse foo.pcap
    Tue Nov 16 12:56:47 +0100 2010 #<DBus::Message:0xb741f340
    Tue Nov 16 12:56:47 +0100 2010 #<DBus::Message:0xb741b060


It is written in Ruby. The pcap format is handled by a small bundled module.
dbus-dump has no other dependencies. dbus-pcap-parse uses


This is an early proof-of-concept release, serving to introduce
the libpcap format.

The main problem of dbus-dump is duplicating the messages, seeing them
both when the daemon receives them and when it sends them (multiple
times, for the signals).

The other tools haven't caught up yet:

    $ /usr/sbin/tcpdump -r foo.pcap
    reading from file foo.pcap, link-type 231
    tcpdump: unknown data link type 231
Martin Vidner, YaST developer

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