Java DBus Question

Arigead captain.deadly at
Tue Sep 14 01:30:24 PDT 2010

Hello list,
    I'm not an expert in The Java and interfacing some DBus stuff to
Java code is a bit all over the place. Java don't support multiple
returns and things. My present problem is that I've got a DBus signal
which passes an array. The output from dbus-monitor is:

   array [
      dict entry(
         string "type"
         variant             string "bookmark"
      dict entry(
         string "data"
         variant             string "create"
      dict entry(
         string "data"
         variant             string "Test"
      dict entry(
         string "coord"
         variant             object path "/org/navit_project/navit/coord/0"

Any advice would be extremely gratefully received. I've been trying a
few things, various Java array definitions. but can't seem to catch that

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