Linking problem on Windows, any ideas ?

rony rony at
Fri Aug 19 08:05:36 PDT 2011

Hi there,

the Windows KDE project has dbus binaries for Windows created by/for
different compilers. Eg. cf.
<>, or

Compiling the language binding for Windows with MSC works, but the
linking process does not succeed. There are 78 messages like these:

    dbusoorexx-32.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
    __imp_ at dbus_threads_init_default@0 referenced in function _dbusLoader at 4
    dbusoorexx-32.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
    __imp_ at dbus_get_version@12 referenced in function @DbusVersion_impl at 4
    dbusoorexx-32.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
    __imp_ at dbus_error_free@4 referenced in function @DbusValidate_impl at 12
    ... cut ...

Researching the Internet there have been hints that the mostlikely case
for that MS linker error is that the library was not given/found.
AFAICT, the library should be found. (LIB contains the directory with
the "dbus-1.lib" file which is explicitly listed as one of the libraries
to link to).

Here are the paths to the lib-dirs:

    E:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio
    9.0\VC\ATLMFC\LIB;E:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio

Here the link command in the nmake Makefile:

    link /nologo /SUBSYSTEM:Windows rexx.lib rexxapi.lib dbus-1.lib
    WS2_32.lib /def:dbusoorexx-32.def /DLL dbusoorexx-32.obj

Also trying to create an import library directly off the dbus-1.dll
(using the MS tools "dumpbin /exports ..." and "lib /def:...")
succeeded, but the linking is not successful, giving the same linking
errors as above.

The version of the MS compiler (referred to as "vc90" for the dbus
binaries of the Windows-KDE project):

    Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version
    15.00.30729.01 for 80x86

Probably (hopefully) I am doing something stupid, hence the request for
ideas, hints or pointers!



P.S.: Also tried to create a Windows version of dbus from the latest git
using cygwin, which has not succeeded. Then downloaded cmake and tried
to follow the README.* files using the MS compiler, then also downloaded
and used MinGW, which all succeed with the configuration part, but make
does not run successfully. (The cmake MS variant at least created a
dbus-1.dll with lib- and exp-files. But using them yields the same link
error as above.)

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