Linking problem on Windows, any ideas ?

rony rony at
Fri Aug 19 08:11:04 PDT 2011

Sorry, forgot to supply the MSC compile statement:

    cl /nologo /EHsc /O2 /Gr /Gs /FAcs /MT /W3
    -DDBUSOOREXX_32 /c /Fodbusoorexx-32.obj


On 19.08.2011 17:05, rony wrote:
> Hi there,
> the Windows KDE project has dbus binaries for Windows created by/for
> different compilers. Eg. cf.
> <>, or
> <>.
> Compiling the language binding for Windows with MSC works, but the
> linking process does not succeed. There are 78 messages like these:
>     dbusoorexx-32.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
>     __imp_ at dbus_threads_init_default@0 referenced in function
>     _dbusLoader at 4
>     dbusoorexx-32.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
>     __imp_ at dbus_get_version@12 referenced in function @DbusVersion_impl at 4
>     dbusoorexx-32.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
>     __imp_ at dbus_error_free@4 referenced in function @DbusValidate_impl at 12
>     ... cut ...
> Researching the Internet there have been hints that the mostlikely
> case for that MS linker error is that the library was not given/found.
> AFAICT, the library should be found. (LIB contains the directory with
> the "dbus-1.lib" file which is explicitly listed as one of the
> libraries to link to).
> Here are the paths to the lib-dirs:
>     E:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio
>     9.0\VC\ATLMFC\LIB;E:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio
>     9.0\VC\LIB;E:\Programme\Microsoft
>     SDKs\Windows\v7.0\lib;;e:\programme\dbus-1\lib;D:\Programme\ooRexx\api
> Here the link command in the nmake Makefile:
>     link /nologo /SUBSYSTEM:Windows rexx.lib rexxapi.lib dbus-1.lib
>     WS2_32.lib /def:dbusoorexx-32.def /DLL dbusoorexx-32.obj
>     -out:dbusoorexx-32.dll
> Also trying to create an import library directly off the dbus-1.dll
> (using the MS tools "dumpbin /exports ..." and "lib /def:...")
> succeeded, but the linking is not successful, giving the same linking
> errors as above.
> The version of the MS compiler (referred to as "vc90" for the dbus
> binaries of the Windows-KDE project):
>     Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version
>     15.00.30729.01 for 80x86
> Probably (hopefully) I am doing something stupid, hence the request
> for ideas, hints or pointers!
> TIA,
> ---rony
> P.S.: Also tried to create a Windows version of dbus from the latest
> git using cygwin, which has not succeeded. Then downloaded cmake and
> tried to follow the README.* files using the MS compiler, then also
> downloaded and used MinGW, which all succeed with the configuration
> part, but make does not run successfully. (The cmake MS variant at
> least created a dbus-1.dll with lib- and exp-files. But using them
> yields the same link error as above.)
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