1.4.1, 1.5.0, 1.6

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Tue Jan 25 05:33:56 PST 2011

On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 at 13:34:58 +0000, Will Thompson wrote:
> Looking at the changes on master since 1.4.0, we have a bunch of
> miscellaneous fixes by Christian, some autolaunch-related changes
> and miscellaneous bugfixes for Windows, and launchd integration and
> miscellaneous fixes for OS X. Plus a bunch of additions and cleanup
> to the documentation and its build system. So far I think this is
> all kosher for a 1.4.1 release.

Will released that. It should apparently have been called 1.4.2 because in
D-Bus-land, the micro version also has odd/even semantics, but never mind.

Other things currently on my radar for 1.4.x:

* regression test/leak fixes (#33126, #33277)

The master branch still looks good for 1.4.x to me. After the next release,
I'd like to branch dbus-1.4 so we can merge the following to master:

* Will's arg0namespace match rule stuff (#24317)
* my mainloop refactoring (#33336, #33342)
* Doxygen improvements (#13495)
* library cross-linking reduction (#27287)
* dbus-1-uninstalled.pc (#32827)

and when they're ready:

* mainloop fixes enabled by my refactoring (#23194)
* epoll support on Linux
* Christian's maybe type (#27857)?
* GetConnectionMatchRules (#24307) and other debugging support?


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