Pluggable auth modules

Pavel Strashkin pavel.strashkin at
Thu Jun 2 17:43:23 PDT 2011

> Uhm. Creating our own pluggable auth iface here would be a very bad
> idea, specially since D-Bus' focus is not so much the network but local
> IPC, for which you don't need this.
This is THE HUGE fail of D-Bus team if they really think in this way.
We use it for network connections, sometimes under heavy load, and it
works perfect! It's sad that there is still no understanding that
D-Bus isn't just a "some useless" staff for KDE or upstart. This is
the project with a big potential so it has to grow internally. I heard
many times from Simon and other guys words like "TCP/IP?!! Are you
crazy?". This is funny. You made the project and you don't believe in
it's power.

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