Qt Peer to Peer DBus connection

Tim Sander tim at krieglstein.org
Tue Nov 20 04:33:45 PST 2012


With the qt 4.8. release there is some peer to peer dbus functionality i would like to try.
The dbus version i am using is 1.4.16.

I tried to use it in creating a socket like that:
QDBusServer m_dbusServer(QLatin1String("unix:path=/tmp/testsocket"),this)

The socket is created the lastError() function returns "other"?

Then i try to connect to this socket.
QDBusConnection dc = QDBusConnection::connectToPeer("unix:path=/tmp/testsocket","fwconfig");
QDBusError::errorString(dc.lastError().type()); //gives other
Sending over the dc connection then fails with empty error string in the sent message.

Any hints whats wrong ?

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