Secret Service API

Valentin Rusu kde at
Sat Feb 16 10:20:29 PST 2013

On Saturday 16 February 2013 19:02:39 christoffer.buchholz at wrote:
> Hey, 

> I found this Secret Service API[1] which I'd like to use in my application, 
but I'm a bit confused as to the state of it. From the document, it seems to 
be a draft. 
> Is it ready to be used?
> [1]:

The draft you mention here is about an interface a secret management service 
should provide. It was intended to allow cross-desktop environment 
integration. For it to work, some daemon should register on the dbus and 
respond to function calls. You'll need such a deamon if you intend to work 
with this API. KDE deamon called ksercretsserviced is not ready yet. It is 
planned to be releases as part of the future "KDE Frameworks 5" platform.

Another implentation is (to be) provided by gnome-keyring. I'm not aware of 
the state of this implementation, though.


Valentin Rusu (vrusu)
IRC: valir
KSecretsService (aka KSecretService, KWallet replacement)

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