Starting the kdbus discussions

Tim Sander tim at
Thu Jan 16 12:39:11 PST 2014

> > I mean, what would a realistic benchmark even be? Currently you'd
> > compare apples and oranges, since only libsystemd-bus is a native kdbus
> > frontend, gdbus and libdus1 aren't. And as it turns out libsystemd-bus
> > already is twice as fast against dbus-daemon as libdbus1 is according to
> > some automotive guys who measured it.
> Not "twice as fast", I'm pretty sure it was "two orders of magnitude
> faster", which seemed crazy, but that's what they told me...
Well thats really nice to hear. :-)

> I'd love it if someone else could verify this or not, with a semi-real
> workload.
I haven't only glanced over the kernel part and know nothing of the systemd
codebase so: is there needed to get the Qt-DBus bindings on kdbus? Or is 
it just recompiling with libsystemd-bus instead of libdbus1?

Best regards

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