What would be a valid D-Bus interface name for a project without domain?

Miroslav Kravec kravec.miroslav at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 12:45:19 UTC 2018

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 12:19 PM, Simon McVittie <smcv at collabora.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Jan 2018 at 10:16:52 +0000, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> > The org.freedesktop.* namespace should be reserved for FreeDesktop.Org
> > projects, not for random projects. It's especially important because
> > DBus interfaces reside on the org.freedesktop.* namespace.
> Yes. org.freedesktop.DBus is/should be reserved for D-Bus itself (the
> standardized specification, and the reference implementation).
> If people not affiliated with freedesktop.org start using names in that
> namespace for their D-Bus APIs, then we've just moved the namespace
> collision further down the hierarchy, not actually solved anything.
> If you want to *become* affiliated with freedesktop.org, see
> <https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/NewProject/>. Any project that has
> not been through that process should not be using the freedesktop.org
> namespace.

The project might fit
https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/MissionStatement/. But, I think,
GitHub is good platform for FOSS projects - VCS(GIT), and issue
tracking. Because, almost everybody is on GitHub. Is it a problem to
have project "scoped" under freedesktop, and being hosted on GitHub?

> Domain names are not expensive
> (e.g. <https://www.mythic-beasts.com/domains> is where I get mine,
> and is not the cheapest around) and can sometimes be obtained at zero
> cost. There are also lots of version-control and hosting providers that
> will give you free subdomains; if you want your project to be widely
> used, it should probably have a long-term VCS, website and contact email
> address *anyway*, otherwise you'll find yourself in a situation where
> you can't release new versions.

It's not cheap either, but this isn't a main problem. Stuff around
domain has to be maintained: mail server, mailing lists, DNS records,
website,... That means, it needs more know-how and more time spent on
project. Or, are there any free services out there? Where I just
register domain for a FOSS project, and setup DNS records, and it just

> If you really want a namespace with no uniqueness guarantees, .invalid
> is permanently reserved by RFC 2606 and .local by RFC 6762, so you could
> use invalid.yourname.YourProject or local.yourname.YourProject. (See also
> the Special-Use Domain Names registry established by RFC 6761,
> <https://www.iana.org/assignments/special-use-domain-names/special-use-domain-names.xhtml#special-use-domain>.)

That looks ugly. I'd rather won't use any domain prefix at all. And,
start directly with the project name.

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