Error naming convention on dbus

Nyirő Gergő gergo at
Sat Feb 6 10:45:34 UTC 2021

Dear list,

I would like to ask about the naming convention of dbus errors.

I saw the following pattern in dbus libraries: if the response  to the
`Set` method of the `org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties` interface is an
error then the name of the error is prefixed with

Is it right that the name of the error should correlate with the
invoked interface (<interface-name> + ".Error." + <error-type>)?

Is there any official rule about the error names?
Is there a list of common errors somewhere?

At first glance it seems that the instrospection data does not contain
the possible errors. Is it right or they can be inculded somehow?

Tanks for any advice,

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