External media mounts

Kevin Chadwick ma1l1ists at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Mar 5 15:05:00 PST 2013

> And when another user wants to own the device, they should agree the 
> first should unmount it, and let others have to ability to ¨grap¨ it.

Or they could use a filesystem which has permissions (SGID
folders are useful) for such corner case scenarios and gives fine
grained control and widely useful and understood and even intuitive via
file managers.

There is also default umasks and mount option umasks (don't forget
options like noexec which should be settable as default) which could
override them and should be easily controllable and usable with FAT.
Though you probably should have root filesystem write priviledges toa
config file via sudo or distro defaults to do so.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

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