[Pool] Help me to rename trash command of trash-cli?

Andrea Francia andrea at andreafrancia.it
Sat Jan 3 16:37:58 PST 2009

2009/1/4 Ben Finney
<ben+freedesktop at benfinney.id.au<ben%2Bfreedesktop at benfinney.id.au>

> "Andrea Francia" <andrea at andreafrancia.it> writes:
> >  * trash            # trashes files and directories.
> >  * trash-empty      # empty the trashcan(s).
> >  * trash-list       # list trashed files.
> >  * trash-restore    # restore a trashed file.

> In the first one, "trash" is presumably to be treated as a verb,
> operating on the object supplied as an argument. In the latter three,
> "trash" is a noun topic, with "empty", "list", and "restore"
> as verbs operating on the object supplied as argument.

In the earlier versions trash-cli was using these commands (which are all in
the form $VERB $OBJECT) :

 - trash <file>
 - empty-trash
 - list-trash
 - restore-trash

Then I switched to the trash-* form to gain advantage from the tab

> For consistency, I would expect the "put FOO in the trash" command
> to follow the same form as the latter three. I suggest the command
> form could be 'trash-put FOO'.
> > In the beginning I was persuaded to use the 'trash-file' name but I
> > don't like it very much.
> For the reasons above, I don't like it either: it is inconsistent with
> the others, departing from the '$TOPIC-$VERB $OBJECT' form established
> by the others.

This is the same reason I also prefer trash-put.

> >  * trash-put
> >  * trash-put-in
> >  * trash-rm
> >  * trash-recycle
> >  * trash-to
> I recommend 'trash-put FOO' as the least ugly or confusing.

Ok. Thanks.

In the case you could redesign the entire command line interface what would
be your choice?

Andrea Francia
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