Matching package names across distributions

Donnie Berkholz dberkholz at
Wed Feb 2 06:40:31 PST 2011

On 13:48 Wed 02 Feb     , Enrico Zini wrote:
> now that I'm back from vacations and we are all in this list, it's 
> time to announce that we have an initial prototype for a distribution 
> matching tool:
> You can follow that link for technical details, git URLs and examples. 
> Please feel free to quote bits here if you'd like to discuss them.
> It's hard to measure the quality of the result because we don't have 
> an optimal match to benchmark against. My idea for "evaluating" it is 
> to just start using it for something, notice if there are gaps and see 
> how to fill them.

By the way, this has been implemented previously. =) Perhaps you can at 
least use some ideas from it, or pull in the data.

There's a somewhat famous quote that we use in research, which goes 
something like this: "Six months of work in the lab will save you an 
hour in the library.";a=summary


Donnie Berkholz
Sr. Developer, Gentoo Linux
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