Users ratings for package recommendation

Michael Vogt mvo at
Thu Feb 10 09:17:56 PST 2011

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:54:27PM -0200, Tássia Camões wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm following the posts after the Cross-distro Meeting but I didn't
> notice any comment about how users comments and ratings will be
> implemented. Is it too early to think about that? I see it was
> considered in the architecture [1].

The plan we came up during the meeting was to use OCS for the
ratings&reviews. Independently of this, there is a "rnr-server"
implementation for ubuntu available (and used by software-center). It
should be pretty simple to add the needed code to s-c to talk to OCS
(and I would really like to see the rnr-server provide a OCS
compatible API for this).
> I've been studying different recommendations techniques, initially
> planning to develop a Debian package recommender that could be
> attached to a package management system. However with the recent
> cross-distro effort, I'd be happy to work on a platform independent
> solution, so that it could be attached to appInstaller. Matching
> packages names across distros would be the first pre-requisite for
> that and it seems we already have an initial solution for it.
> On the Debian side, I'm planning to use mainly apt-xapian-index,
> debtags, popcon and UDD as data sources. At least some of these could
> be extended to other distros, as Enrico presented at his recent posts
> [2] [3].

I think its great that you plan to work on this! Its a really cool

Another interessting datasource is probably zeitgeist as it will keep
track of e.g. what files the user has worked with (you may want to
look at the sofware-center code to see how its used there). I think
ratings&reviews are more interessting than popcon. Popcon favours
default installed apps and also there is a certain self selection
(will only show data for people who enable it who are most likely
technical). One hope is that ratings&reviews are less so (hard to say
as we don't have that much experience with them yet).
> At this point, the available information for collaborative techniques
> is the list of packages users have installed on their systems [4], so
> I'll work with that. But if the plan is to have a server to collect
> user ratings, it should be considered to produce better
> recommendations.
> I've drafted a wiki page with some ideas about the recommendation strategies:
> Is there anyone interested in talking about this topics?

I'm definitely interessted. I would love to see a approach that takes
the users mimetypes/apps (zeitgeist, popcon) and server ratings into


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