EGL_MESA_screen_surface proposal

Adam Jackson ajax at
Wed Mar 16 13:52:41 PST 2005

On Wednesday 16 March 2005 16:40, Jon Smirl wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 15:18:25 -0500, Adam Jackson <ajax at> wrote:
> > What exactly are you arguing _for_?  And how does the API Brian proposed
> > not provide it?
> I still haven't seen a case where you would want to force an inferior
> mode. I hadn't thought about it before today but now that I look at
> the issues I can't come up with a reason why you want to force the
> inferior mode.

Here's an easy one.  My monitor claims it can do 1280x960 at 75Hz, but it looks 
like crap, the image shakes.  Likewise I have a couple of cards that claim 
really good refresh rates, but that have noticable fringing on high-contrast 
transitions when the refresh rate is too high.  I've even seen cases where 
monitors will refuse to sync at resolution/refresh combos they claim to 

Hardware lies.  Full stop.  And if you think you can work around these cases 
from DDC probe data I've got some oceanfront property in Nebraska to sell 

I'm not arguing against simplified mode selection for the user.  That's a 
noble goal.  It's also a UI issue, and therefore belongs high above the EGL 
layer.  EGL is a mechanism layer, not the policy layer.

- ajax
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