Adding AppData files for frameworks
Alexander Larsson
alexl at
Fri Jan 8 10:50:11 UTC 2016
On tis, 2015-12-22 at 09:54 +0000, Richard Hughes wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying to show the frameworks in GNOME Software this
> morning, so we can click on them in the updates panel to do live
> updates. Two things are clear:
> * frameworks never seem to be marked as "current" (is that a bug, or
> by design?)
Yes, "current" means it is the version of the app that is run by
default with "xdg-app run", and the one that gets its desktop files
(etc) exported so that it will be launched from the desktop. This is
not a useful concept for runtimes, as you can have multiple versions in
active use (the app declares which exact version to used).
> * there's not enough data to show anything meaningful
> Would adding an AppData file for the frameworks be okay? e.g.
> shipping
> something like this in
> /files/share/appdata/org.gnome.Platform.appdata.xml:
That seems like a good idea to me. I'll add it to my TODO list.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <component type="runtime"> <!-- this is new to AppStream, MatthiasK
> would need to ack this, and if he's reading this, should it be a
> .metainfo.xml file too? -->
> <id>org.gnome.Platform</id>
> <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
> <project_license>GPL-2.0+</project_license>
This is tricky. The runtime is a combination of many licenses. What
should it show? All? The major ones? None? "Various"?
> <name>GNOME 3.20</name>
> <summary>Shared runtime for GNOME applications</summary>
> <description>
> <p>This framework provides the core libraries and executables
> needed by GNOME applications.</p>
> </description>
> <releases>
> <release version="3.20.0" timestamp="1446724044">
> <description>
> <p>This is the first stable release of 3.20 fixing many bugs
> and adding new features.</p>
> </description>
> </release>
> </releases>
> <url type="homepage"></url>;
> <update_contact>alexl<at>gnome<dot>org</update_contact>
> <compulsory_for_desktop>GNOME</compulsory_for_desktop>
> </component>
> This could be shipped by something upstream (e.g. gnome-desktop)
> which
> makes the translations easy (which of course we *want* to have)
> although it would be odd writing update descriptions in the appdata
> that lives in gnome-desktop about new things included in the
> framework, or bugfixes in libraries like GTK. I'm open to ideas here.
I can just put it in the gnome-sdk-image git repo:
Gnome people should be able to translate it there, no?
Alexander Larsson Red Hat, Inc
alexl at alexander.larsson at
He's a time-tossed neurotic jungle king for the 21st century. She's a
vivacious gold-digging advertising executive from beyond the grave. They
fight crime!
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