Announce: Flatpak 0.6.5 (previously xdg-app) released

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Fri Jun 10 11:50:38 UTC 2016

New flatpak 0.6.5 release is out:

Major changes in 0.6.5

 * Documentation improvements
 * builder: Check that the specified command exists after build is done
 * builder: Fix up mtime in headers for python precompiled files
 * builder: Allow submodules and including modules from other json files
 * system-helper builds are optional (--disable-system-helper)
 * system-helper: Support installing from local remotes and bundles
 * Improved support for --subpath installs, including libflatpak support
 * Improved command line completion

$ sha256sum flatpak-0.6.5.tar.xz 
f9218f85ef2b4bf63370821fea7ccecdb2f4d35693a2190ce93956b1a9548a9d  flatpak-0.6.5.tar.xz

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl at            alexander.larsson at 
He's a scrappy hunchbacked astronaut with a passion for fast cars. She's 
a tortured winged lawyer who can talk to animals. They fight crime! 

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