The xdg-app story

Robert McQueen robert at
Mon Mar 21 12:58:51 UTC 2016

On 21/03/16 08:40, Richard Hughes wrote:
> On 21 March 2016 at 08:25, Alexander Larsson <alexl at> wrote:
>> We really need a good name though, and I suck at that kind of thing.
> Okay, I think we need to agree on a name, get a domain, and then go on
> a marketing offensive. I think we've done a huge amount of awesome
> technical work that basically nobody knows about.

I totally agree - Endless is going to be 100% backing this because we're 
counting on the technology to enable a 3rd party app story - so we're 
going to want something we can say to users, developers, partners, 
investors, etc!

In terms of evangelism a great activity here would be selling the 
technology to upstream developers to ensure app availability on the 
platform - we could provide repos with .rpm and .deb files of xdg-app 
which do the google chrome thing and drop a repo file in /etc for 
updates - and then basically say we're taking some of the weight of 
distro/platform support off people's hands - get xdg-app then hit the 
button - and an icon (like those other platforms have...) to get an app 
installed. :)



Robert McQueen  |  +1.415.413.4159  |  Endless <>

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