flatpak --user cant see anything installed system wide

Christian Hergert christian at hergert.me
Mon Oct 16 09:20:43 UTC 2017

On 10/16/2017 02:08 AM, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> It is generally expected that most people will use system-installed 
> apps, because that is more traditional use of the homedir. Installing 
> lots of binaries in the users homedir is unexpected for things like 
> backup programs, or sharing the homedir between machines, etc. I think 
> of --user as a more corner-case usecase for debugging/testing or just 
> weird situations.

I think Builder prefers installing SDKs to --user because it's less 
likely to require authentication. Otherwise we could get our build 
pipeline blocked by shell polkit dialogs...

-- Christian

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