Announce: Flatpak 0.8.8

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Tue Oct 31 12:59:52 UTC 2017

Flatpak 0.8.x is the previous stable series, and I recommend everyone
that can to use the new 0.10.x stable series instead. However, if you
are unable to update, here is an update for the stable series which i
recommend everyone using 0.8 to update to.

$ sha256sum flatpak-0.8.8.tar.xz 
4fb500ad371e6693a9a68f4511665f6ac3c0ec18ef0ffd882409d90366386a36  flatpak-0.8.8.tar.xz

Major changes in 0.8.8

This is a minor security update, as well as an update to match
some sandbox behaviours that were added to the 0.10.0 release.

 * SECURITY: Forbid old-style eavesdropping in the dbus proxy
 * Expose icons from host in /run/host/share/icons
 * Ensure fontconfig caches are per-sandbox
 * Some problematic env vars are no longer inherited from the host
 * The LD_LIBRARY_PATH order is now correct for extensions with
   different priorities.
 * Extensions are now mounted in the correct orders, even if they
   have different priorities, fixing steam.
 * Disable debug spew in the document portal fuse filesystem
 * Now works current version of ostree

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl at            alexander.larsson at 
He's an otherworldly coffee-fuelled hairdresser on his last day in the 
job. She's a brilliant impetuous archaeologist from a secret island of 
warrior women. They fight crime! 

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