no such metadata / no such ref errors on the command line

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Thu Apr 5 07:58:11 UTC 2018

On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 3:17 AM, Michael Gratton <mike at> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 7:04 PM, Alexander Larsson <alexl at> wrote:
>> Can you try:
>>   flatpak install --reinstall flathub com.scoutshonour.Digital
> It wasn't installed in the first place, but it installed fine. Afterwards
> "flatpak update" still reports the no such ref error for the 64 bit version,
> however.

Ah, so this installed the 32bit version, which makes sense because it
is the only one currently on flathub.

> Would this be taken care of by PR #1551?
>> What does
>>   flatpak info com.scoutshonour.Digital print?
> mjg at payens:~$ flatpak info com.scoutshonour.Digital
> Ref: app/com.scoutshonour.Digital/x86_64/stable
> ID: com.scoutshonour.Digital
> Arch: x86_64
> Branch: stable
> Origin: flathub
> Date: 2017-08-04 16:56:19 +0000

So, you have an actual 64bit build of this app from flathub.
Interestingly it matches the date of this:

Which is the commit that disabled all but the i386 builds.

Maybe we had a non-working x86-64 version for a bit but it was removed?

 Alexander Larsson                                Red Hat, Inc
       alexl at         alexander.larsson at

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