lpsolve module

Martin Marmsoler martin.marmsoler at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 21:53:08 UTC 2018


I'm trying to create a module for lpsolve, but it does not find any
liblpsolve*.a files in the archive:
When I look into the build folder of the flatpak package, this folder is
always empty. Do I have to specify something extra?
"name": "lpsolve",
"buildsystem": "simple",
"build-commands": [
"install -Dm755 liblpsolve*.a /app/lib",
"install -Dm755 liblpsolve*.so /app/lib",
"install -Dm755 *.h /app/include"
"sources": [
"type": "archive",
   "url": "
" ,
"sha256": "006ab5604836c8e246dd0ffe7b8a98943846a90fb7c6c87eb5cc961846b16b07"
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