Distribution of plugins

Alexandre Bique bique.alexandre at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 16:47:16 UTC 2019


I am wondering how the distribution of plugins works with flatpak.

Let's say I have a plugin interface called MyPlug.

There is one proprietary application AppA which is available in
flathub and can use plugins providing MyPlug interface.

Again an other proprietary application from a different manufacturer,
AppB which uses those plugins.

And finally a plugin PlugC which is proprietary.

How can we distribute AppA, AppB and PlugC which are all coming from
different companies and flatpaks.

How can AppA find the plugins of MyPlug interface?

The concrete case for this question is Bitwig Studio [1] a digital
audio workstation, and a virtual synthesizer plugin, implementing both
VST and VST3 interface, Diva [2].

As of today, VST3 can be found in:

1           User               $HOME/.vst3/
2          Global              /usr/lib/vst3/
2          Global              /usr/lib32/vst3/
3          Global              /usr/local/lib/vst3/
3          Global              /usr/local/lib32/vst3/
4          Application         $APPFOLDER/vst3/

I believe we could "symlink" all the vst3 into the app folder. But a
set of things needs to be standardized from flatpak point of view

Somebody already started to make a flatpak for Bitwig Studio [3][4]

[1] https://www.bitwig.com/en/home.html
[2] https://u-he.com/products/diva/
[3] https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=259&t=512181
[4] https://gitlab.com/renich/bitwigstudio-flatpak/tree/v.2.5-beta

Many thanks,
Alexandre Bique

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