Install/Remove hooks

Frédéric Pierret frederic.pierret at
Fri May 24 15:08:59 UTC 2019

Hi all,

Is there a way of creating pre or post actions during install/remove of
a flatpak?

As an example of what I mean, taking 'yum' or 'dnf', it is possible to
add plugins for doing some actions after a 'dnf install somepackage'.
That is very useful for us in QubesOS project and as we are integrating
Flatpak (and further Fedora Silverblue), we are wondering if such a
feature is/will be available for Flatpak.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Frédéric Pierret

PS : Sorry if this mail is a duplicate. I sent one before being
subscribed to the mailing list.

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