Workflow for debugging the manifest file
wshaos at
wshaos at
Fri Apr 17 14:50:14 UTC 2020
So `flatpak-builder --run=... .flatpak-build/build/MODULE-NAME` would
drop me into the filesystem at the point where the last flatpak-builder
execution had failed, right? That is useful for inspecting to understand
why a build failed. That wasn't quite what I was looking for though. The
section of the manifest I was having trouble with was this:
- bash ./ -bin ${FLATPAK_DEST}/bin -j$FLATPAK_BUILDER_N_JOBS
- install -Dm644 de.klayout.KLayout.appdata.xml
- install -Dm644 etc/klayout.desktop
- install -Dm644 etc/logo.png
- desktop-file-edit --set-icon=${FLATPAK_ID}
(Complete file is
The script is the part that does all the compiling and takes a
long time. The post-install commands were the parts I was having trouble
getting formatted properly.
A few things I have realized that I could do to avoid the long compile
1. Someone emailed me outside of the list that I should try --ccache. I
did that and it worked! Running flatpak-builder after modifying one of
the post-install steps took only about a minute instead of an hour after
using --ccache. So I think this is the best solution when it works. It
might still be useful to know of other options for cases where ccache
can not be used.
2. I could use `flatpak-builder --run=...
.flatpak-build/build/MODULE-NAME` and just enter each post-install step
by hand to see if it works. I don't think this would have completely
solved my problem because flatpak-builder complained about some
formatting issues with the affected files (like the icon file name not
matching the FLATPAK_ID string) and just running the post-install
commands would not generate these messages.
3. I could have moved all the post-install steps in front of
because, in my case, none of them actually depended on the compiled
output. They were just moving the metadata files from the source
directory to the right install locations. Still I do not think that this
would have generated the flatpak-builder warnings about the formatting
of the .desktop file until after did its long compile.
I wonder if there are other options? I haven't tested this but perhaps I
could edit the manifest to replace the usual source tarball with a "dir"
type source pointing to .flatpak-build/build/MODULE-NAME (possibly I
would need to copy it to another location outside of the flatpak-builder
cache) and comment out the build-command. Then the next build
would start at the point where the previous build stopped and run the
post-install commands.
On 16.04.2020 17:43, re:fi.64 wrote:
> Afaik the reason for this in particular is because the module isn't
> cached until after the post-install steps. Note that you can always
> `flatpak-builder --run...` into .flatpak-builder/build/MODULE-NAME to
> play around with the previously built version instead of having to
> build a new one for every little test.
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020, 9:50 AM <wshaos at> wrote:
>> I understand that flatpak caches each module in the manifest. So if
>> a
>> module builds correctly the first time and you don't change it, the
>> previous build will get reused when you build the flatpak again.
>> Recently I was trying to build a flatpak for a project that takes
>> about
>> an hour to compile on my system. I was having trouble getting the
>> post-install steps correct after the main compile (just copying /
>> editing some text files). Each time I changed a post-install item,
>> flatpak would go through the full one hour compile again. Is there
>> any
>> way to get flatpak to reuse the output from a previous attempt to
>> build
>> a module even when the previous build of that module exited with
>> non-zero status? I understand why you would want to have a
>> complete,
>> clean build of the module for the final flatpak, but for debugging
>> it
>> would be nice to have a way to reuse all the compiled binaries
>> while
>> iterating on the build-commands and post-install entries.
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