
Morrinson Van Goth gothmorrinson at
Thu Jul 6 03:19:33 UTC 2023

Hi I've been using flatpaks for quite long and I really appreciate the work you guys have done, and I support the idea of been something ''universal'' the future of application distribution.. but my suggestion is if you want to supply or become the standard you are the one that have to provide, in other words since you create and maintain the flatpak you are the one that should create an official repository, I know Is not an easy work and takes time, but I'm saying this is because is happening the same thing as the Linux Distros, everyone wants to create their own  flatpak store for their own distro which kill the term ''standard'' and I know you trying to support Flathub, the thing is that no distro want to use apps or programs from other linux distribution the same thing happen for Desktop environments., My point is If you trying to create your own flatpak repositories more distros will adopt this system as their standard.

All that I said is just a simple suggestion with the intention of help this utility to become more distro friendly


Martin M van Gogh
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