Fwd: Cornerns/Issues regarding FlatPak App updates

Jacob Sternig jacob.sternig at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 01:59:22 UTC 2025

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacob Sternig <jacob.sternig at gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, January 2, 2025
Subject: Cornerns/Issues regarding FlatPak App updates
To: flatpak at list.freedesktop.org


I was hoping to just get a concern-warning message to hopeful someone that
could troubleshoot a problem without creating a big announcing flap.  Was
hoping to talk to a small team lead in IT or Security, but the onlyemail
source i was able to reference was this, so hopefully i don't step on too
many toes!

When trying to update any Apps that use Flatpak in Linux Mint, i find that
the update process is very tiresome and often not seemless.  I usually have
to update the flatpak apps one at a time in the Update Manager, or update a
specific app first before the rest tend to update appropriate.

There are countless times i ran into issues where flatpak ends up
continuously updating and freezing the update midstream.  I have to
forcefully terminate the flatpak-update.exe in Task Manager to get any
responsiveness out of the update manager.

There are a lot of applications that work of FlatPak and snapd is not a
viable option on Linux Mint anymore.  It is an admirable work around the
Snap propriatary.  I wanted to bring this message to hopefully help someone
know about this in Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia.

For some reason, these app updates are just not as smooth and easy as Apps
downloaded in the Apt directory.  Also the biggest struggles are with the
Org.freedesktop.platform.GL.nvidia drivers.

Hope you are aware of this problem and are looking at resolving this bug.
Just trying to minimize the App usage from FlatPak as much as possible to
avoid these update errors, but some platforms require it, regardless.
Hoping it can become seemless again!

I also noticed that the update function for FreeCAD app and KDE Application
Platform crash instantly without a second of processing the update.

Hope you are aware of these bugs or problems and are looking at eventually


Linux Mint User
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