[Fontconfig] compiler error in fcfreetype.c: PS_FontInfoRec undeclared

daniel kottow dkottowk at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 24 03:43:21 EST 2003

just for those who happen to run into this compiler
problem (i saw some posts on this while trying to
figure out what to do about it)

here is what it caused in my case:

i am running linux from the suse 8.0 distro and was
trying to install fontconfig2.2.90

i realized that PS_FontInfoRec had to be defined by
the freetype lib. but my (system) header files in
/usr/include/freetype2 did not.
so i downloaded freetype2.1.4 and installed that. i
assured that the correct freetype-config was taken
and... that's it.

so, in short, you may have compatibility problems
between fontconfig sources and the installed freetype
version on your system.

greetings daniel 

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