[Fontconfig] crappy ttf with readhat 9

jean.guldener at freesurf.fr jean.guldener at freesurf.fr
Sun Jun 29 17:13:55 EST 2003

Ok Keith, thank you, thats what a will do. Do you have any link to docs who
explains the architectures of the different systems and they dependencies
(X, xfs,Xft, fontconfig , freetype, GTK) ?


> Around 22 o'clock on Jun 28, jean.guldener at freesurf.fr wrote:
>> but when I use "Verdena 12" in gedit the fonts are displayed crappy.
> That's probably because the FreeType library you're using hasn't got
> the  TrueType hinting code compiled in.  The RH source RPM for FreeType
>  includes the appropriate patch to enable hinting; you should try
> building  that with the right option (sorry, I don't know what it is).
> -keith
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