[Fontconfig] fc-list output changes from 2.2.3 to 2.4.2
Nguyen Vu Hung
vuhung16plus at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 22:52:08 PDT 2007
Hello all,
On the default installation of Redhat ES 4 ( fontconfig version 2.2.3,
rpm version 2.2.3-7 ), the output of fc-list is as follows
fc-list | grep Motoya
MotoyaExMaru:style=W3 KP
MotoyaExCedar:style=W3 mono
But after manually upgrading ( with ./configure --prefix=/usr; make;
sudo make install ) to fontconfig 2.4.2, the output of fc-list became:
$fc-list | grep W3 | grep Maru
モトヤEXマルベリ3KP,MotoyaExMaru,ÉÇÉgÉÑEXÉ}ÉãÉxÉä3KP:style=Regular,W3 KP
モトヤEXマルベリ3等幅,MotoyaExMaru,ÉÇÉgÉÑEXÉ}ÉãÉxÉä3ìôïù:style=Regular,W3 mono
You can notice the changes:
1. The first token added: "モトヤEXマルベリ3KP"
2. The 3rd token added: "ÉÇÉgÉÑEXÉ}ÉãÉxÉä3KP" ( FYI, seems like a
corrupted Japanese text ).
And FYI, fc-match seems to give the wrong font match:
$fc-match MotoyaExMaru:W5
MTXmr3kp.ttc: "MotoyaExMaru" "W3"
#W5 vs W3.
Does anyone know why?
And because the format of fc-list is changed, some of our cairo code
that is depend of fontType ( MotoyaExCedar:style=W3 ) has stopped
functioning and they felt back to system "default" font.
Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu
An inquisitive look at Harajuku
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