[Fontconfig] fc-query output, misunderstanding?

Akira TAGOH akira at tagoh.org
Tue Jan 17 18:04:44 PST 2012

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Dave Pawson <dave.pawson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I agree. I've written more code to test it.
> Yet Fontforge shows no glyph there, my xsl-fo formatter reports it missing
> so I must assume it is not there?

maybe no, it's not there.

> In which case should I be reporting a bug?
> Or is there some 'gotcha' which says there is a glyph there but only if .....

I guess you better try to check with the fontconfig in the git repo.
if you still see this issue, it may be worth filing a bug. I can't say
more by off hand so far. it may be a bug in fontconfig or fonts

> So my question now is, are the bit positions in the matrix
> dependent on any other conditions (assuming I am interpreting
> the matrix correctly)

It's computed from what glyphs a font actually has and the blank configuration.


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