[Fontconfig] FreeType now includes Infinality subpixel support

Infinality infinality at infinality.net
Wed Jun 20 13:37:54 PDT 2012

On 06/20/2012 03:34 PM, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> On 06/20/2012 04:30 PM, Infinality wrote:
>> Ah... there is another option I didn't show, which will certainly prevent
>> fringing.  You could call it "Grayscale Cleartype".  Some might not like it
>> because it's not as sharp though.
> Thanks Eric.  My feeling is that some gamma correction applied to this one
> would actually make it look pretty decent.
> behdad

Agreed, and something else that can dramatically reduce the subpixel 
fringing is by changing the FIR filter values in the Freetype LCD 
filter.  There is a setting in my other freetype patch to do that.

Freetype Default     "06 25 44 25 06"
Stronger Gibson      "11 22 38 22 11"

I use the second one for exactly the same reason... I hate fringing.  
The second FIR value reduces the fringes to the point where I don't 
notice them at all.


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