[Fontconfig] Fontconfig cache in chroot

Renáta Hodován hodovan at inf.u-szeged.hu
Thu Oct 4 03:13:24 PDT 2012

Actually I've just now recognised, that not all the caches are rebuilt 
just a few one. These cache files had a 32 version in the cache 
directory originally, but inside the chroot, fontconfig generated a 
64bit version too. On the other hand if i run the application without 
chroot it uses just the 32bit version... :s It's tricky... Ideas?


2012-10-04 12:08 keltezéssel, Renáta Hodován írta:
> Hi All!
> I 'd like to chroot a process what uses fontconfig. For this reason 
> I've hard linked my font directories (/etc/fonts, /etc/X11/fonts/, 
> /usr/locale/share/fonts/, /usr/share/fonts/) and my fontconfig cache 
> directories (/var/cache/fontconfig/ and $HOME/.fontconfig) into the 
> sandbox directory. Unfortunately I experienced that fontconfig 
> rebuilds its cache files inside the chroot (those what exist in the 
> sandbox already). What's more nothing has changed (neither size, 
> permissions not the owner of the cache files) except the last 
> modification date ofc. This rebuild takes ~4-5sec what is too much :(
> Do you have any idea what's wrong or how I can workaround this problem?
> Thanks in advance,
> Reni
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