[Fontconfig] How to block glyph fallback in a QT application?

Janusz S. Bien jsbien at mimuw.edu.pl
Mon Jan 6 07:58:44 PST 2014

Quote/Cytat - Khaled Hosny <khaledhosny at eglug.org> (Mon 06 Jan 2014  
04:30:27 PM CET):

> Generally, for most applications it is preferable to show the user some
> text, even if the typographic quality is low than showing him empty
> squares, that is why virtually every GUI application (or toolkit)
> implement some sort of fallback.

I understand this.

> Gucharmap has an option to turn off fallback, and so does Pango, but for
> a Qt application you will need a Qt solution.

Thanks for pointing this option to me, I somehow missed it.

> FontConfig itself does not do glyph fallback (since it is not a text
> layout library), though such a mechanism can be built on top of its API.

Thanks for explanation.

Best regards


Prof. dr hab. Janusz S. Bień -  Uniwersytet Warszawski (Katedra  
Lingwistyki Formalnej)
Prof. Janusz S. Bień - University of Warsaw (Formal Linguistics Department)
jsbien at uw.edu.pl, jsbien at mimuw.edu.pl, http://fleksem.klf.uw.edu.pl/~jsbien/

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