[Fontconfig] Fontconfig 2.12.1 unable to cache /System/Library/Fonts on OS X

Akira TAGOH akira at tagoh.org
Mon Aug 29 01:52:55 UTC 2016

please submit a bug report on bugzilla.

On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Zhiming Wang <zmwangx at gmail.com> wrote:

> I sent the same report to the mailing list a few days ago, but it never
> appeared on the archive (maybe because I didn't subscribe at that time),
> so I'm
> not sure if it reached anyone and am resending the message. In the
> meantime, a
> report titled "fontconfig performance issue on macOS" has been posted to
> the
> list, which should be the same issue, but it didn't provide any details, so
> I'm starting a new thread.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------
> Fontconfig 2.12.0 works fine on OS X (10.11.6), but 2.12.1 is unable to
> cache
> /System/Library/Fonts. Whenever I try to cache it, I always get an error:
>    /path/to/cache: invalid cache file: b0a71e6bf6a8a1a908413a823d76e2
> 1f-le64.cache-7
> and no cache is created. This renders fontconfig 2.12.1 unusable -- every
> single operation needs to go through a lengthy (failed) recache of
> /System/Library/Fonts.
> git-bisect tracks the issue down to 7a4a5bd "Properly validate offsets in
> cache
> files."
> Unfortunately I do not know what additional info may be helpful for
> debugging
> purposes. For your reference, here's a valid cache of /System/Library/Fonts
> created by fontconfig 2.12.0:
>    https://dl.bintray.com/zmwangx/generic/fontconfig-2.12.0-cache.tar.gz
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