[fprint] elan patch + poc 0x903 and 0x0C03
Igor Filatov
ia.filatov at gmail.com
Sun Jan 28 08:55:32 UTC 2018
1 out of 10 isn't practical so it shouldn't be like that. I'm getting
roughly 4 OKs out of 5 (which is still somewhat low and can be attributed
to the quality if images the scanner produces with swiping; I also have a
Validity sensor and it blows my Elan out of the water).
1. Try to get some visual feedback. There's a tool called fprint_demo. You
can enroll and verify there. It shows images and detected minutiae. There
aren't any good guidelines but in general try and see if the overall image
looks good. Areas where the frames intersect should look as seamless as
possible (seams produce false minutiae). The number of detected minutiae
should be at least over 30. If possible, please send images you get with
examples/img_capture. Which finger you scan doesn't matter (you can use
someone else's if you still happen to have one from Halloween).
2. These Elans need a slower and steadier swipe than dedicated swipe fp
readers. I mean the ones that were built for swipe. I think it takes me
about 3 seconds to do a swipe. Pay attention to the tip of the finger:
because the tip is curved it's hard to assemble a good image of it. I must
say it does take some practice...
On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 2:25 AM wp12880529-timo wp12880529-timo <
timo at teemze.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> the enroll process seems to work. However, when verifying it detects my
> finger in about 1 out of 10 tries. Is this a bug or is it normal?
> Regards
> Timo
> Igor Filatov <ia.filatov at gmail.com> hat am 27. Januar 2018 um 18:52
> geschrieben:
> Yes, this time it worked. First of all, you should be able to open
> finger.pgm in the same directory with an image viewer and see your finger.
> Then you can try exmaples/enroll and examples/verify to enroll and verify
> your fingerprint. If everything seems ok, install the driver with `sudo
> make install`. You will need fprintd daemon and a PAM module for login,
> sudo etc. On Debian/Ubuntu it's just `apt install libpam-fprintd`. Once
> it's installed, run `fprintd-enroll`. That's it.
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