[fdo] Re: Scheduling subsystems (crontab, at) and the desktop

Maciej Katafiasz mnews22 at wp.pl
Thu Jul 22 08:15:12 PDT 2004

W liście z czw, 22-07-2004, godz. 16:59, C. Gatzemeier pisze: 
> Am Thursday 22 July 2004 14:55 schrieb Maciej Katafiasz:
> > so stay tuned :). Right now there's preliminary document available at
> > http://zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl/~mathrick/spec.txt
> Hey, do I read this right? Are you rather planning a unifying framework than 
> an actual crond replacement?

No. Crontab will be (at most) legacy source of scheduled actions, that
is imported from once and never again used. Eventuality is meant to be a
way for apps to register some actions, and then for other apps to invoke
them in response to certain events (one of these events being flow of
time, but not only one)

> Because that was what I also meant by pointing to CFG in my first respose. It 
> seems there is quite a lot of overlap with the discussion on general 
> configuration API/framework we had here a while ago. "A crontab is a file 
> with a format" thus can be configured.
> A particular thing you seem to address that CFG does not yet have is a notion 
> for is handling of notifications. Another thing is d-bus, which was not yet 
> there when CFG was first planned, but would fit in there very good now. Maybe 
> you would like to have a look at the architecture and see if your ideas could 
> be applied. 

I've seen CFG page on fd.o, it seems like very cool thing, but I'm
pretty sure it's not what we're trying to do :)


"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 at wp.pl>

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