[fdo] Re: TTS API

Janina Sajka janina at freestandards.org
Fri Nov 5 08:57:14 PST 2004

Two comments:

1.)	The VoiceXML WG in the W3C is organizing a sub-committee to
address accessibility. It's the WG that has the "Say As" spec. The call
for participation went out to W3C members only, but there is a mechanism
for engaging participation of non-members, and one of the WG's purposes
is collaboration with outside entities.

2.)	A public working draft for "Timed Text" has just been published
by the W3C. That announcement is attached. I believe "time text" is at
least tangentially related to the current discussion. Certainly, it
represents a source of streaming text that will need to be voiced by TTS
for some users. And, it probably poses some challenges in that, as with
all streams, data may arrive at somewhat irregular intervals.

Willie Walker writes:
> >>    GC> The W3C working group is supposedly working on a separate
> >>    GC> document for these.
> >>
> >>Do you know any details?  Is some proposal available or do we have to
> >>invent our own values for now?
> >
> >Sorry, no inside information.  I was parroting the SSML spec.  I guess 
> >we
> >should contact the W3C voice working group.
> As of yesterday, the working group is still working on the say-as
> spec (my team represents Sun in the W3C voice working group).  I'm
> not sure it's allowed for us to discuss the details of the working
> group outside the working group, but I expect the say-as spec will
> be ready for public viewing pretty soon.
> Will
> PS - I hope to be able to respond to the recent flurry of e-mail
>      soon.  Great stuff and discussion going on here.

				Janina Sajka, Chair
				Accessibility Workgroup
				Free Standards Group (FSG)

janina at freestandards.org	Phone: +1 202.494.7040

-------------- next part --------------

As required by Section 2.1.3 of "How to Organize a Recommendation Track
Transition" [1], this message constitutes an announcement of the
publishing of the First Public Working Draft of "Timed Text (TT)
Authoring Format 1.0 - Distribution Format Exchange Profile (DFXP)" [2].

[1] http://www.w3.org/2004/02/02-transitions.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-ttaf1-dfxp-20041101/

Glenn Adams, Chair TT WG

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