[Freedreno] freedreno 3D test applications

Ilia Mirkin imirkin at alum.mit.edu
Thu Dec 21 06:01:15 UTC 2017

On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 12:43 AM, priyanka more
<priyanka.more457 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've cloned freedreno test applications from the bellow link.
> https://github.com/freedreno-zz/freedreno/tree/master/tests-3d
> I'm working on 3d test cases, I've executed test-cube.c test-caps.c on
> i.mx53 QSB environment, I got colored cube as output on display.
> I'm trying to execute other 3D test cases like test-es2gears.c test-vertex.c
> test-cube-textured.c and 2D test application test-fill.c, but I'm wondering
> what will be the output display of these applications.
> Will you please guide me in what would be the output display of these test
> applications?

The idea of these applications is actually not to display anything --
the fact that they do is largely coincidence.

The idea of these applications is to run GL commands against the blob
driver, record a trace, and then analyze it, to figure out how to
operate the underlying hardware. As parameters are changed, we look at
what changes in the command stream, and infer the meanings of various
registers based on how they're programmed relative to the GL commands
being run.

Tracing on the a2xx isn't an exact science right now. There's 20
different incompatible kgsl versions running around. The current
"state of the art" is a hacked up kgsl driver which prints stuff to
dmesg -- see e.g.
https://github.com/laanwj/linux-freedreno-a2xx/tree/4.12-rdu1-kgsl +
dmesg2rd from https://github.com/laanwj/freedreno/commit/24905de896b1d15aef9e66f465ec379b24061494.

I have some incomplete work in adapting the libwrap-based tracer to
that particular kgsl version, but ... it's incomplete. And it won't
work with $other kgsl ioctl version.

What's your goal?


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