[Fribidi-discuss] Some thoughts about BiDi Quirks Handling

Tomas Frydrych tomas at frydrych.uklinux.net
Tue Sep 24 02:05:03 EST 2002

Behdad wrote:
> If you want my fast opinion, I don't like any quirks in fribidi.  I
> will give you the api for overriding character types, for example, you
> can say that the '-' character should have type EN.  I believe this
> will do what you want for the MS Word.

I entirely agree that this is by far the best solution; what I would like 
to suggest is that fribidi_log2vis has an extra input parameter 
char_types, a pointer to an array of FribidiCharType, that, if not 
NULL, will contain precomputed character types (with values < 0 
indicating that the character type for that particular character should 
be looked up from the Unicode tables). I would also like to be able to 
pass the function a meaninful array of FribidiCharType's, but NULLs 
in place of the str and visual_str parameters, in which case the 
character type lookup would be completely bypassed, and no 
visual_str would be computed, only the position arrays and 
embeding levels.


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